Discover The Power of Simplicity with Weekend Lectures

Inspiring Simplicity.  Weekend Lectures.

For a decade, we’ve been curating stories that encourage simplicity, providing a shelter for individuals looking to live a more purposeful and conscious existence. What began as a method to share popular articles with Becoming Minimalist subscribers has grown into a weekly source of inspiration for many.

Every other week, we handpick a selection of articles and videos to help you adopt a simpler lifestyle. So grab your favorite beverage and immerse yourself in these thought-provoking pieces that promote minimalism, simplicity, and mindful living.

Featured Articles: The Power Of Simplicity

My family had way too much stuff. Here’s how becoming minimalists changed our lives | Huffington Post by Christina Crawford article explains how becoming a minimalist changed our lives. Join Christina on her path to minimalism and see how decluttering changed her family’s life.

Why having it together will (hopefully) change your life. | Harvard Independent by Clara Corcoran. Clara investigates the relationship between decluttering and personal well-being, emphasizing the significance of matching actions to objectives.

7 Ways to Encourage Minimalism at Home – According to Pro Organizers | Houses and gardens by Chiana Dickson. “Here are the seven ways you can encourage your family to declutter at home and encourage minimalism, according to the experts.”

9 ways to shop smarter for clothes | No sidebar by Amy Slenker-Smith. A brilliant list of tips and tricks to avoid unnecessary purchases.

The holidays are not a good time to blow your budget | Forbes by Joshua Becker. Discover practical tips to keep your budget on track during the holidays. Enjoy the season without overspending and start the new year on a positive financial note.

Recently released inspirational videos

Choose holiday traditions that serve you | YouTube by Joshua Becker. The traditions we celebrate should add to our holiday experience, not detract from it.

Perhaps the best gift you can give your family this year is paying off debt | YouTube by Joshua Becker. Black Friday is the biggest shopping day of the year. While millions will benefit from today’s low prices, many will live beyond their means. Is that really the gift we want to give our families this year?

Join the movement.

Our weekend lectures are more than just reading and watching; they are about joining a movement to live a more meaningful life.

We encourage you to explore these materials, share them with your friends and family, and embrace simplicity in your own special manner.


Remember that your quest to a simpler life is about progress, not perfection.

Every small action you make toward living intentionally and mindfully adds up.

We hope that these weekend seminars encourage you to make positive changes in your life and enjoy the simplicity of living with less.

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