Without energy the world would come to a standstill.
It would be almost impossible to live from day to day if the world’s energy reserves were depleted. From working to driving to cooking, we have become completely dependent on energy and it’s terrifying to think what could happen if we ran out.
But this doesn’t just apply to the energy we need to live and work in today’s technology-driven world. It also applies to our internal energy reserves.
Our brain and body also need energy.
Unlike your laptop or iPhone, you can’t just plug it in for a few hours until you’re fully charged. People need to maintain and replenish their energy reserves to function at maximum efficiency.
As a leader you realize that you need enough of it energy at work is critical. If you don’t take care of your own energy, your organization will suffer. For many leaders, finding time to recharge feels impossible, no matter how important it is.
a keynote speaker in the field of leadership can help you implement strategies to incorporate ways of preserving energy in leadership while still meeting your responsibilities. By hiring an expert leadership speaker, you are taking the most important step in discovering how to protect your energy and improve your leadership performance.
Why leaders must protect Energy at work to improve performance
Have you ever skipped breakfast and lunch to complete your tasks and just get started? Losing focus at work? Maybe you reread the same memo three times, got sidetracked trying to make an important phone call, or just found yourself staring into space wondering what you were working on.
When your energy is low, it’s hard to function, let alone be productive.
As a leader, it is essential that you maintain a high level of control energy in the workplace to lead your team successfully. While it may seem like taking breaks is counterproductive, it’s essential not to do so alone dealing with burnout in the workplace but also for improving your health and well-being. When you take time to rejuvenate, you’ll return to work refreshed, focused, and ready to be productive.
Finding ways to protect your energy is crucial because it restores your body and mind and gives you the strength needed to get through any challenges. Not only will you feel more excited, but you will also gain clarity to think more strategically.
How extreme leaders protect their energy
Recognize how important it is to have your… energy at work is the easy part. For busy leaders, executing action steps is more challenging. With so much on your plate, it may seem impossible to find time to recharge, but it’s imperative that you do.
The key strategies outlined below will help you dealing with burnout in the workplace, reduce your anxiety at work and build energy in leadershipall working together to improve your performance.
1. Pay attention to your feelings and emotions
As much as we would like to flip a switch to turn off negative feelings, unfortunately that ability has not yet been discovered or invented. Until then, we must acknowledge and address all negative feelings, especially those that sap our energy, in order to move past them.
Work is such a big part of our lives that it’s no wonder we often have strong feelings about it. While these feelings can vary between positive, negative, or even indifferent, it is always important to acknowledge their existence. Taking time for yourself to focus on your physical and mental health is a big part of protecting the energy you need to manage those feelings.
Your employees trust you to think strategically and ensure that the organization fulfills its mission. By paying close attention to your emotions, you can create space for them make thoughtful decisions.
Without energy you cannot function at an optimal level to support your team.
A simple yet effective way to replenish energy is to incorporate restorative practices into your daily routine. Taking some time to recharge will give you the energy you need to perform at your peak while being an example of positive change that motivates others.
2. Discover what drains you
When you are in a toxic work environment, You may feel like you are drowning in negative energy. Even when you acknowledge that something is wrong, it is often difficult to acknowledge that feeling to yourself or others because the toxicity is so normalized.
Trust your instincts.
It is crucial not to minimize or ignore feelings. Identifying what triggers you is the first step towards that reducing anxiety at work. Once you discover your triggers and how they impact your leadership performance, you can make conscious choices to disrupt them.
That starts with making sure you protect your energy as a leader. Adopt healthier work practices by setting clear boundaries so you can rest and refuel. This gives you the space you need to come back and successfully recommit to the organization’s objectives.
3. Plan ahead
Extreme leaders know that life (and work) can be extremely busy and that planning ahead is the best way to ensure continued efficiency. Planning gives leaders control over their daily activities and delivers high impact. Instead of feeling overwhelmed when unexpected situations arise, take advantage your energy in the workplace to focus on important matters that require your immediate attention and to delegate tasks that can be handled by your team.
Taking advantage of thoughtful planning is an excellent way to protect your privacy energy at work and improve your performance. If you think ahead, you will have enough energy to inspire the people around you.
4. Why multitasking is bad Idea
Many of us were raised to believe that if you don’t multitask, you’re not efficient, but that’s simply not true. In fact, there are many reasons Why multitasking is bad and may cause you to do so losing focus at work.
As a leader, you are constantly presented with multiple tasks that are crucial and timely. It may seem like multitasking is the answer, but it’s actually the least effective way to manage multiple projects.
Why is multitasking so bad? When you’re not focused, you tend to have scattered thoughts, fragmented ideas, and incomplete projects—all things extreme leaders should avoid.
Instead, try to work on one task at a time until it is completed. This method provides greater clarity, greater efficiency and a better ability to manage stress at work. Not only is it more efficient, but it also sets a great example for your team, which will ultimately result in more meaningful results and higher productivity levels across your organization.
5. Set boundaries
Boundaries are there to be set. Without them, life and work can quickly veer off course. But when set up correctly, they can protect your energy and improve your leadership performance. Setting healthy boundaries can help you stick to your commitments and achieve your goals.
When considering where to set your own boundaries, it’s essential to think about what activities bring you joy and what doesn’t align with your goals as a leader.
An exceptional limit to start with is normalizing longer response times. You may feel like you have to answer every question quickly because of your level of responsibility within your organization, but that is not the case. While some situations require immediate attention, many do not. Try to set more realistic expectations by letting your team know that if they don’t hear from you immediately, it may mean your attention is needed elsewhere, but you’ll be in touch shortly.
6. Create a less distracting work environment
Just as boundaries are meant to be set, distractions are also meant to be eliminated. When you create an environment free from distractions, you protect those around you energy, which will result in strengthened leadership performance in general.
If you’ve set up a space that is quiet and peaceful, but you still find yourself getting distracted, take a moment to observe your work area. A messy desk can be one of the biggest surprises for many. Cleaning and organizing your workspace naturally increases motivation and makes it easier to focus on the task at hand.
7. Manage burnout in the workplace by taking regular breaks
The most effective way to recharge is to take a break when you feel your energy running low. Even better, schedule time away from work every day to protect your energy. By stepping away and giving yourself a few moments to reflect and develop your thoughts, you’ll come back refreshed and ready to innovate.
It is important that this time off is truly a break from work.
Close your laptop, ignore work calls or texts, and go outside for fresh air and exercise if possible. This allows you to clear your mind, release stress and rejuvenate your energy. A little break has a huge impact on your ability to lead with presence and have more energy to tackle any challenges that arise.
Steve Farber is the Keynote speaker on leadership You have to guide your journey
You’ve learned how crucial it is to protect your energy to improve your leadership performance, and that it takes a lot more effort than just plugging in a charger. This is where one leadership speaker lIke Steve Farber enters. His expert advice, real-life tips and practical strategies will support you on your path to becoming the most effective leader you can be.
Steve is the spark you need to bring energy to your leadership and take your organization to the next level.