And grow.
And we are here
To help you take
That gigantic leap forward.
From duality to Unity.
Dear One, you are present on this physical plane for a wonderful time. It is the time when you are gently guided from a third-dimensional existence to a fifth-dimensional existence. What does that mean?
You live with one foot in two worlds, a physical world and a non-physical world. You are a divine being incarnated in a physical body. This physical existence provides a unique means of growth unknown elsewhere. And what you discover on this path serves both you and the collective consciousness, for all are one.
But you are also connected to the spiritual realm. A connection that becomes easier and easier to access as your vibration continues to rise. Your intuition may be sharper. Your sensitivity to negative emotions or lower vibrations may become more noticeable to you.
Many of you are experiencing painful memories that have been hidden for a long time. This is to encourage reflection and letting go. Understand that you can think about it as a observer rather than as a participant to minimize the emotion of that past trauma.
Think of them as a movie on a screen, a replay of your past that can be viewed from a different perspective. A more objective perspective because you are no longer that person. You survived these challenges and became stronger as a result. Think of them as a reminder of how far you’ve come. Reminders of the power you now possess to get through your current challenges.
Dear One, remember that your life is a process, a collection of experiences that have given you the wisdom you can use today. Honor yourself for how far you’ve come. Find the compassion and forgiveness that you were unable to give in the past; for everyone involved, including yourself. Then release those memories in love and gratitude.
Moving to a 5e-dimensional existence is a challenge for most of you who have viewed your life from a 3rd-dimensional perspective so far. You have lived in a world of duality where you are separated from others. You have focused on a physical world with solutions limited to physical existence.
Switch to a 5e-dimensional existence requires seeing EVERYTHING as ONE. Broaden your view from purely physical to energetic. Many wonder how they can help this world. They struggle because they are still limited to “physical” actions, many of which are too difficult to manage in a chaotic world.
Take a 5e-dimensional representation expands the possibilities to help this world. How? It understands the power of the invisible. All of existence is made of energy that is unlimited in where it can go. Think of the power of sending positive energy around the world to those who need support. No physical action is required.
Geographic proximity is not required. Others can feel the loving energies you send to them, even if they are not aware of it. When everyone is one and many focus on directing support to one person or situation, power is increased exponentially.
Keep your vibration higher through prayer, meditation and releasing old memories with forgiveness and love. Doing this can counteract the lower frequencies of hundreds of thousands of people. That’s why we encourage you to ‘do the work’. Because by doing this, you are not only helping yourself, but all of creation, because they are all connected.
This transition to higher consciousness is supported by those who have already experienced an ascension in their world. Understand that the power of the invisible includes many benevolent beings who help this world as much as you want.
Dear One, you are on the eve of awakening to a new and more powerful existence. These are the times that have been talked about for thousands of years and your presence is vital. You are strong enough, capable enough and powerful enough to make a difference in this world. It starts with healing yourself and being open to new ways to get through the day.
You’ve come this far
With unlimited growth ahead.
With the support of all creation
I applaud you.
You awaken to your true state,
A state of Oneness
Dearest to all of you.
Join the virtual prayer circle every Sunday at 9:00 PM Eastern Standard Time:
Sit quietly and see all as one in this world as you offer prayers together with kindred souls.
Keep the momentum going. Your input is needed now more than ever.
I will add my energy to your loving thoughts for the world and your loved ones.
I will hold the space and offer my support to everyone around the world to let their light shine, to trust who they are, where they are and the role they play here in this space. May we all support each other with loving support as we move closer to a new way of being.
Connect when you can and help bring change to this world. Understand that there is a constant stream of collective prayer circulating around this globe at all times.
Much gratitude and many blessings to you.
May we all be grateful for the invisible world that holds us up and keeps us strong with love.
Now available as a podcast on these sites: