A fundamental part of our work at Girls Leadership is creating brave spaces – communities where all girls and gender-expansive youth feel seen, accepted and loved by peers and adults – in person and online. Brave spaces are critical because they provide vulnerability and the safety to take risks, make mistakes, reflect and recover, while still being part of the community. How can any of us evolve as people and leaders if we don’t have the support of relationships that give us the ability to make mistakes?
We realize that This is a difficult time to be brave. Research continues to show that teens, educators, and parents are experiencing increasing levels of stress, anxiety, and depression as racial and gender-based injustices persist. But this is exactly why creating courageous spaces for girls and gender-expansive youth, especially youth of color, is more important than ever. Spaces of belonging, especially at school, are a proven factor in building resilience and better mental health for all young people.
At Girls Leadership, we’ve been building brave spaces for girls for 20 years, and we’ve seen their transformative power on sports teams, in classrooms, and at camps. That’s why we offer Brave space groundworka 2-hour workshop for youth care professionals on February 21. And we’re so excited to get through our Workshops for girls and adults (for grades K-8).
While brave spaces are important for all students, they are especially important for girls because of gender expectations that tell girls that their primary value lies in the way others see them. Are they sympathetic? Are they attractive and polite? Too many girls learn to put the feelings, needs and opinions of others above their own. Fear of what other people might think, and fear for their own safety, causes too many girls and gender-expansive youth to put their hands down in class, drop out of sports, and hold back in spaces where they feel disconnected . and appreciated.
We all benefit when girls and gender-expansive youth feel empowered to share their insights, feelings and skills. If we take the time and energy to build and sustain a brave space community, girls and gender-expansive youth – and the adults in their lives! – report increased self-confidence, leadership, and social-emotional learning (SEL) skills.
Teachers and administrators (including school counselors, CBO staff, after-school staff and other youth care professionals): You are invited to participate in the Brave space groundwork workplace. In this interactive and engaging few hours, you’ll learn how to create brave spaces and center the SEL needs of all the youth you serve.
Parents guardians: We have a workshop especially for you! Workshops for girls and adults (for groups K to 8) provide courageous and fun spaces for girls to discover the power of their voices together. In these Girl & Grownup workshops you will both learn practical communication skills that you can immediately put into practice.
Ready to get brave? We are ready to support you!