Education on a resume

Education On A Resume

Olymp Trade - Trade Smarter, Earn Better: Your Path To Financial Success Starts Here!

As you put the information together on your resume, you may wonder where that information should go. Should you include your qualifications at the top of the document or is it better to leave it at the end? And do you include your contact details on every page? But the question I get asked most often is whether or not you should list your education before your experience or after that work history.

The answer is this: IT DEPENDS. While that may not be the answer you want to hear, it is the truthful answer. Read below some ‘rules’ and questions that we can apply to the Education section that will guide you in its placement on your new CV.

Teaching timing

First, have you graduated in the last six months to a year? If so, it is appropriate to list your education prior to your work experience. This is because you likely have little or no professional experience and your education is the core competency you want to highlight to an employer.

Known settings

Second, did you graduate from a well-known college or university? For example, if you graduated from Harvard, Princeton or MIT, this is information that should be emphasized early on in the resume. Depending on the position and the employer, these types of universities offer you an extra advantage over other candidates.

Years of experience

Next – how many years of professional experience do you have in your desired field? If the answer is one or more years, the education part can go after the professional history. In this case, we should focus on highlighting your skills, achievements and abilities at each position. For those who have many years of professional experience, education becomes less important as you progress in your career.

Keep in mind that there is no one resume format that suits all job seekers. Be strategic in posting your information and showcase your strongest assets and experiences first. Recruiters and hiring managers have very little time and you want to make sure relevant information is pre-loaded.

If you have any questions about your resume, please contact us free resume review!

Olymp Trade - Trade Smarter, Earn Better: Your Path To Financial Success Starts Here

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