What you see in the world around you now are important indications of your collective awakening. The revelation of massive deception, conflict and corruption on a global scale makes it impossible for anyone to remain unaware of the need for massive changes in the way you interact with each other, from your immediate family and friends to your and international relations. Tremendous changes are needed in human relationships everywhere, and more and more of you are becoming more aware of this. The only The way to solve problems, both between individuals and between countries, is by dealing with those involved in a respectful manner and by listen, without immediate judgment, about what they need and want to express. Then, once you have heard them in full, make sure you have fully understood what they have expressed, keeping in mind that the meaning of words people use can differ significantly from what you understand them to mean, due to context where you are. having your discussion – you have all experienced this during family arguments or disagreements. Then, and only then, can you provide your own assessment of the reasons that cause conflicting views or disagreements, and suggest possible ways to deal with them in a meaningful way.
Always make sure you fully respect, respect and listen to the other person to understand the others. Once that’s done, interact with them purposefully and lovingly, with the honest intention of resolving any issues between you in a way that respects, honors, and provides solutions that all can accept so that everyone knowS that they have been received with love, honesty and integrity.
All Are First of all, if you enter into a conflict with anyone, you are at war with yourself, which is an insane way to live. you Are Therefore, love, express it in every moment and let go of any feelings or beliefs you have that encourage you to judge others negatively. You don’t know enough to judge anyone, only God has the knowledge and understanding to do that, but because She loves you completely and completely, She accepts you as you are, completely without conditions of any kind, and She never someone judges
God is Life, is Love, is your Source, and She continually expresses Herself through each of you, without even a moment’s interruption. There is and cannot be any separation, because there is only the One eternally united with Itself, and therefore with all Her creations. Awakening is letting go of your fearful hold on your belief in separation, and on all beliefs that try to convince you that you are alone, abandoned or lost in a dangerous and threatening environment where you could lose your life at any moment.
You have ETERNAL Life, where you are constantly held in the divine embrace of Love. Your seemingly lived experience, separated from your Source, is unreal and temporary, and so are you shall let go of your attachment to that crazy belief and awaken to infinite joy, which is your eternal and natural state.
The fear that so many of you experience on a daily, perhaps even constant, basis naturally leads and encourages you to distrust others, and so meeting and interacting with others who experience similar feelings seemingly magnifies and validates your own fears – I Knew he was unreliable, I should never have dated or interacted with him!
You all feel and experience the effects of the energy fields of those you interact with, even if you are not aware of it, and often they are largely reflections of the energy you yourself express. When you are in the presence of those you love, and where you feel safe, you reflect their own loving energy back to them, and they do the same to you, and that makes you feel peaceful, safe and accepted. You also feel seen, heard and understood, and that’s how everyone wants to feel. However, when you act out of fear and distrust, you block your ability to do so by choosing not to be loving, because you think this protects you from harm, and so your own distrust is simply reflected back at you, often very intensely. .
Really, the only protection from evil is love. When you express only Love, you are united with Mother/Father/God and therefore you do not need protection because it is there Nothing otherwise. If you don’t, you are allowing or encouraging your ego to lead and guide you, which is useless because their motivation is fear. Your collective awakening process requires that you express only Love, and more and more of you are coming to a deep understanding of this divine Truth and choosing to do so, and you can see signs of this all over the world.
However, if you live largely alone, seemingly separated from loved ones who are busy with their own lives, or who have already transitioned from their human form, you can and will find vast numbers of people expressing nothing but Love if you choose to look . for them online. You are all surrounded by loving beings, so simply open your hearts and invite the multitude of those loving energy flows in which you are truly constantly immersed to fill them, rather than allowing ego-driven fears or fears block the world. divine truth about who you and every other sentient being really are. When you open yourself to Love and express it, you will find yourself encountering It in the most unexpected places. Open your heart and enjoy the peace and joy that comes your way.
With so much love, Saul.