Venus in Scorpio

Venus In Scorpio

Venus has just moved into Scorpio – a sign she is not at all comfortable in. When Venus is in Scorpio, she is in what traditional astrologers call the sign of her demise.

This doesn’t mean that Venus is weak in Scorpio, it means that she is in a position where she cannot use her strength, in a place that is foreign to her. She has no essential dignity in Scorpio.

Venus loves fun, beauty and connection.

Therefore, she is at her best in the signs she rules – Libra and Taurus – and Pisces, the sign in which she is exalted, that is, she feels like a favorite guest at the table.

She feels less comfortable in the Mars-ruled signs – Aries and Scorpio – and that makes perfect sense. Mars wants to move forward, but Venus likes to enjoy and connect and possibly even drift or fade away a bit.

What she doesn’t like is too much intensity, focus and sharp edges – and that’s what she gets in Scorpio.

Venus loves to attract, and in Mars ruled Scorpio, she is magnetic.

Venus likes to skate lightly and gracefully across the surface, in Scorpio she goes deeper into a place darker than she would like.

We all have Scorpio somewhere in our chart, and it is this part of life that Venus will lend her presence to. It’s this part of life that you’ll enjoy – yes, even when Venus is in intensely focused Scorpio.

In the coming weeks, don’t be surprised if you’re no longer happy with the watered-down option, or it’s almost there. When Venus in Scorpio isn’t satisfied with second best, she’s also in no mood to compromise.

While under Venus in Libra you might have been inclined to socialize a lot, Venus in Scorpio is more about deeper connections. She doesn’t just want to catch up for a quick cup of coffee with an acquaintance.

Venus in Scorpio prefers to meet good friends and talk about what is going on. Real that are happening in their lives, rather than surfacing in a larger gathering.

If you have a particular obsession with something, you’ll probably want to indulge it a little now – you can look at where Venus is in your chart for clues about what you’ll enjoy this month.

I’m also delving deep into my obsession with all things Christmas and am writing a new Christmas novel.

In my chart, Scorpio rules the ninth house and my focus is on planning a foreign holiday for next year and dreaming of a longer holiday in 2025.

My daughter is currently in Europe and I love the photos and snippets she forwards her socials and messenger.

If you have no idea of ​​your birth time, or don’t feel like working it out, you can follow the solar guide:

  • If your Sun or Ascendant is in Scorpio, Venus will transit through you 1st house.
  • If your Sun or Ascendant is in Sagittarius, Venus will transit through your Sun or Ascendant 12th house.
  • If your Sun or Ascendant is in Capricorn, Venus will transit through you 11th house.
  • If your Sun or Ascendant is in Aquarius, Venus will transit through your Sun or Ascendant 10th house.
  • If your Sun or Ascendant is in Pisces, Venus will transit through you 9th house.
  • If your Sun or Ascendant is in Aries, Venus will transit your Sun or Ascendant 8th house.
  • If your Ascendant Sun is in Taurus, Venus will transit through you 7th house.
  • If your Sun or Ascendant is in Gemini, Venus will transit through your Sun or Ascendant 6th house.
  • If your Sun or Ascendant is in Cancer, Venus will transit through your Sun or Ascendant 5th house.
  • If your Sun or Ascendant is in Leo, Venus will transit through your Sun or Ascendant 4th house.
  • If your Sun or Ascendant is in Virgo, Venus will transit through you 3rd house.
  • If your Sun or Ascendant is in Libra, Venus will transit through your Sun or Ascendant 2nd house.

Venus is in Scorpio until December 30, 2023, AEST.

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