One of my best friends invited me out for drinks last week. He had just gotten out of his fifth relationship (in one year), and at that moment he was more confused than heartbroken.
Tariq is a very handsome boy; the type of man with an amazing height, good looks and an attractive fashion model body. Because of all these traits that genetics blessed him with, he had always thought he had women figured out.
However, with more divorces than actual relationships behind him, he was forced to reevaluate himself.
After taking one too many vodka shots, he looked me dead in the eyes and asked the question that has been on everyone’s lips for years: “But what do women actually want?”
My friend’s desperate situation got me thinking. Are we as women as complicated as men think? I do not think so.
People just assume that men with great looks and big money bags are the standard, but honestly, we want more than that. This is why you see handsome, rich and influential celebrities being rejected by their wives.
If you, as a man, are in the same dilemma as Tariq, or you have ever asked the question: what do women want? Here are eight core traits that women find irresistible. If you can learn these, you will have better luck with women. Here we go:
1. Your presence
Even more than good looks, women are attracted to your appearance and presence. When you walk into a room, what kind of energy do you bring with you? What kind of emotions do you evoke when you speak to a woman?
No one wants to be with a man who doesn’t have good and healthy energy about him, even if he looks as good as Ryan Gosling.
Your presence as a man should be felt in more ways than one. When you are with a woman, give her so much of you that she will long for you in your absence. To do this, you need to rely less on your appearance and hone all your other skills.
In fact, self-confidence is a way to have an unforgettable presence science confirms it. In general, women find confident men very attractive, and once you get the hang of this, everything else can fall into place.
2. Mature communication skills
You’ll be surprised how many men these days no longer know how to communicate well and effectively.
Some people prefer to ghost, or simply become emotionally distant, which is just immature and insulting. The ability to communicate is one of the core qualities that women find irresistible.
The dating pool is bad, and nowadays men think that if they like a woman, they should limit communication with her so that she will miss them more.
While this has a small chance of working with those you just want to have a fling with, it sends the wrong signals to the women who are genuinely interested in you.
Grown men (and women) don’t play mind games with communication. Intentionally sitting by your phone and waiting two hours before answering a text is immature.
They are open about their intentions and when necessary, they are not afraid to have difficult conversations.
And if there is a misunderstanding, talk about it honestly as a man and clear things up. Even if things don’t work out between the two of you, she will walk away knowing that you are a real man who knows how to communicate.
[Also read: 7 Big Mistakes Men Make When Texting a Woman]
3. Healthy masculinity
Although feminism has taken over and women are now starting to become more independent, this does not mean that men should shy away from their biological and social responsibilities.
Women love masculine men and this is one of the main masculine qualities that they find irresistible.
Masculinity can be shown in many ways, and in this way research and some others, women prefer men who are dominant and protective.
And from an evolutionary perspective, masculine males will produce stronger, healthier offspring.
There are several ways to properly display masculinity and dominance without putting down women and asserting rights over them. This can be done by:
- Work on your voice and posture
- Become assertive
- Setting healthy boundaries. Women respect men who set boundaries and stick to them
- Learn how to make meaningful eye contact
- Take the lead
A man who knows how to lead will always have a flock of women around him. Look at all the successful men around you and get your proof.
Now you don’t have to own a successful business franchise to be a leader. Develop these leadership qualities, even on a small scale, and watch women fall hard for you.
4. A man who keeps his word
So many women in today’s society are plagued by men who never keep their words, so when they find someone who can, they are thrown off guard.
As a man, don’t say things you don’t mean; and when you finally say them, make sure you act on them.
We often see men saying things they don’t mean, under the guise of âWomen are attracted to what they hear.â While there may be some truth to this, we’re more attracted to guys who say and mean things.
If you say, “Honey, I promise I won’t stay out more than ten hours,” or “I’ll be there to pick you up at seven,” make sure you do that. Make sure you don’t stay out too late and that you pick her up at the agreed time.
This also applies to the decisions you make in your personal life. If you say, âI need to go to the gym,â then you need to go. Stick to your commitments, especially when it is helpful to do so. Doing otherwise, especially after you’ve talked about it, will only make you seem insecure.
5. A man who takes care of himself
People will judge you based on your appearance. Women are by far the best judges in this. Depending on how you are dressed, they can immediately judge you and exclude you.
To be irresistible, you must learn to actively take care of yourself. However, this does not mean that you are obsessed with your appearance. It means making a conscious effort to look good, even when you’re just running errands.
Do not wear crumpled shirts or pants outside. It gives the impression that you don’t care how you appear.
Women believe that if you can’t take care of yourself, you certainly can’t take care of them either. They create an initial opinion of you just based on the way you appear, which may not be correct, but first impressions do matter.
6. A sense of humor
While this clichĂŠ may sound fake and overused, it’s true. Women like men who can make them laugh.
According to research on humor during courtship, it was partly concluded that the first time a man tries to be funny and the woman laughs, the more likely she is to be interested in dating.
Everyone likes a good laugh, and in the context of a romantic relationship, women like it when they have men who can tickle them or do something fun and funny at the same time.
Laughter causes certain body reactions that make people relax and breathe better. So if you make her laugh often, she will associate these feelings with you and always long for your presence.
[Read: 7 Signs Youâre In The Right Relationship]
7. Vulnerability
Some men walk around with the impression that vulnerability and masculinity are at different ends of the spectrum. They behave nonchalantly, even towards people they care about, because they believe that nonchalance and less display of affection makes them masculine.
But the truth is that no woman wants to be with a macho man who doesn’t know how to show love or affection.
Women want men who say I love you and mean it. They want men who show fear and talk about their concerns. The ability to be vulnerable makes you masculine. It is also one of the core qualities that women find irresistible.
8. A man who listens
If you want women to pay attention to you, listen to them. In addition to making them feel heard, you will also learn a lot about them just by listening.
So many women complain that men don’t listen. If they find the one who does, that will change.
When she tells you about her day, listen carefully and ask questions, and be emotionally present so you can remember the details later.
We know that so many men may think that women talk about so many trivial things that are not important, but these things are important to us, and we always look for men who are willing to listen and give good suggestions.
As much as women love men who look good, we need more to sustain a relationship. There are so many men who look good and have nothing else going for them.
With these above qualities you will develop charisma, self-confidence, humor and much more. These are the core qualities that women (and of course men) find irresistible.
[Related: How to Be More Desirable to Your Partner]