My dear readers, I greet you in this message with a new depth in my being. Floating on the waves of third eye chakra visions and divine messages more precious than gold. I started this writing journey in 2018 by creating this blog Emotional Musings, which in 2020 evolved into my healing practice as a shaman with the poetry I channel. I can hardly believe how many transformative treasures I have discovered within myself in six years because I made the decision to share my own personal truths. My greatest intention was to help others on their own path discover their authenticity and never feel alone in their search for the truth. This is a question I believe we all ask ourselves at some point in life. “Why am I here?” My dear readers, YOU are love, and your inner essence makes you who you are. Never allow anyone to pull you out of your nature and spoil your power, which is the light of self-love within. We are all here to share our unique gifts! By believing in myself and learning to love every part of my being, I have completely transformed myself into a woman I never knew I could ever be. The mantra that inspires this freedom is ‘my being liberates’. Simple and clear.
I first heard that mantra in late 2021, after I moved in with my sister in Utah to rebuild my life. I like to say that I have lived many lives in this one current life. In May 2022, I shared this post, just weeks before I started expressing myself as a rainbow unicorn with my stranded hair. My sister with her artistic background and expertise in hair design helped me create my current look. I wear my hair this way because it suits my soul.
Currently there are so many planets related to Aquarius, including personal planets of the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Mars. Aquarius’ greatest influence will be felt from its home in Pluto from now until 2044! This is the energy of the revolution, my dear readers! Pluto is the planet of generational transformation. It is a visionary air sign that likes to express itself by thinking outside the box. I advise you all to keep a close eye on the new ideas, sensations and pruning of your subconscious mind in the coming months and years. Pluto’s last transit occurred in Capricorn and remained stationed there for fifteen years as global institutions and systems flourished. In Aquarius, everything will be turned upside down as the sign of new innovation brings different perspectives and perceptions on birth ideas. Many systems are already breaking down as we see an increase in chaos and destruction, but you must also see the increase in people’s backlash. What an exciting and fascinating time to be alive on this planet! This cosmic configuration is a reset for relationships, both personal and professional, on an individual level and for the collective. Unity consciousness increases as more and more people become aware of the consciousness of a higher authority. Spiritual awakening is happening now on a mass level.
I recorded another podcast interview that was released on all streaming platforms. Here is the link. Please share your thoughts and insights with me. I feel like these interviews are an opportunity to share my story, shine light into the darkness of suffering, and live up to my motto of “Triumphing over Trauma.”
The journey of self-love and discovery continues, revealing the truth that can only be found at the core of my being, where the breath makes its grand seeing possible. The freedom to be myself is equal to the love I cultivate from within. Witnessing the warrior on the rise. This is a time of transformation from a lightworker to a lightwarrior. I’m locked into this amazingly bright and beautiful heightened cosmic energy of Aquarius season that inspires me to dream more adventurous ambitions for the path ahead. This poem, “Warrior self reveal” was channeled prior to a recent quantum healing session I attended three weeks ago. A clairvoyant view of where I’m going.
This month’s new moon brought a brand new energy that we have never experienced before here on this planet! It is powerful and exciting, completely filled with exciting promise. Perfectly designed for transformative rebirth and for reclaiming our multidimensionality. Connect with your cosmic guides for spiritual insights and prepare for flight! The word multifarious means ‘having many different parts or aspects. This is the magic of the integration between the light and shadow selves, which form the basis for more of our psychic abilities. We come online to our innate talents and limitless possibilities. Welcome, “Reincarnated Multifarious Aquarius.”
I feel all my chakra centers growing, especially my third eye. 2024 offers us an abundance of cosmic energies and never-before-felt frequencies to tap into, expanding the emotional plane of humanity’s consciousness. I believe this energy is sparking a revolution in remembering who we are. Humbled to receive these Divine messages as a channel for the Spirit. Blessed be the journey of the human experience. I choose to walk the path of less resistance by claiming my sovereignty and letting go of past conditioning. I am laying down that heavy baggage by opening myself up to this brand new paradigm we are building. Goodbye, old world. This is what I and my fellow awakened lightworker, warriors, healers, empaths and starseeds are here to build. Do not allow any system to define who you are, dear readers. Follow your heart and let your soul guide you back to the truth. You can only hear your authentic voice from within. You are full of a spicy essence built from love.
The human journey allows our minds to experience so many things! Cut yourself some slack, forgive yourself for the mistakes you’ve made, and commit to living with more authenticity to reveal your best self. One of the most joyful aspects of being human, I believe, is shape-shifting and trying on different identities as the spirit moves within our being. This is the power to change that is orchestrated by healing what no longer serves us. May you remain curious, spark wonder, use compassion and trust the process by always staying true to your integrity no matter what life has to throw at you, my dear readers! May you use this current cosmic configuration to fly free in the month of February and beyond!
If you are interested in a remote shamanic healing session over the phone, tarot card readings, my recorded meditations and other ritual services I offer or to purchase one of my 6 poetry books, click the link below. See the Services tab in the menu on this website.
For a personalized signed copy of one of my books, please email me.
[email protected]
In light and in shadow, always with love. Namaste.
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My name is Maria Teresa Pratico-Swanson. I am a woman walking this life journey in truth. I am a certified master shaman specializing in healing trauma. Practicing the art of shamanism has transformed my life, freed my authentic spirit, awakened and liberated my soul. I use my sensitivities as superpowers, and the power of love fuels my magic as a shamanic healer. My creativity is the expression, purpose and passion of my soul, which I express through my healing services, writing poetry, hosting a blog, dancing, painting and practicing yoga. My motto is: ‘Overcoming trauma’. In 2011, after a lifetime of trauma, I became aware that I needed to reconnect with my soul. Healing integrates all aspects of my physical, mental, emotional and spiritual self. Unraveling conditioning and programming continues to require introspection, patience and grace. I am committed to my practice of healing from the human experience as an awakened soul. I believe I am here to help heal humanity one heart at a time. I offer shamanic healing sessions and have written 6 books of poetry available on Amazon. “Emotional Reflections” “The Language of My Soul” “The Song of My Heart” “The Light of My Soul” “The Journey of My Soul: Lessons Learned Through Love” and “The Dance of My Soul, Accepting the Shadows as I embrace the light: poems about death and rebirth” For more detailed information follow this link In light and in shadow, always with love. Namaste. View all posts by MariaTeresa