Message from the Spirit Meant to Find You Now –

Message From The Spirit Meant To Find You Now -

Olymp Trade - Trade Smarter, Earn Better: Your Path To Financial Success Starts Here!

A message from Spirit meant to find you now! ✨🔮

Hey beautiful souls.

Sending you all the blessings of love, peace and angelic energy from Sedona, Arizona.

I used to live here… But I’m currently passing through, enjoying the sun, taking lots of photos for a project I’m working on, and walking through the red rocks…

Anyway, while on a walk I was inspired to bring a message from Spirit to you.

It’s nice, because aspects of this message have been in my consciousness for a few days… But I wasn’t quite sure if the message was just for me, or something I would share.

And then, in sync, while I was hiking in a beautiful area, I was inspired to record a video and, well…

Here it is!

I’ll let you listen/watch the message here and discover it for yourself:

Would you rather read? This message from Spirit is also available to you here:

I feel blessed to be able to bring you the message that Spirit most wants to receive for you right now.

We are going to use the Ascension Angel Cards for this collective reading, ie this lecture is for everyone. And as I deliver the message, pay attention to your own inner voice of guidance regarding the specific details, the insights among the insights that are very specific and unique to you.

To begin, join me in shifting your consciousness inward, breathing into the space of your heart center. Inhale and exhale.

In this moment, allow your energy to ground to the Earth and become fully present here – open heart, clear mind, grounded energy – open to receive the knowledge, wisdom and truth, the messages of Spirit that are most intended for you.

And now we will ask: what do we especially need to know?

Here is your message from Spirit:

There is an expanded reality available to you that goes beyond what you are currently experiencing.

There is an expansion available in the way you show up and in the way you enjoy, thrive and experience your life. When we talk about infinite possibilities, it is often approached from a very materialistic perspective of the idea that you can have anything, that you can manifest anything.

Many modern teachings on the law of attraction are centered around this perspective of manifesting from a point of your personal will – to manifest that car, that shiny object, that new house.

That’s not necessarily a bad thing, though there is a divine and perfect template for your life experience.

There is something unique that will be the most fulfilling, rewarding, enjoyable and empowering for you from the vast fields of infinite possibilities.

This will be in alignment with your perfect self-expression, as you appear fully in the physical as the embodiment of the divine soul being that you are, and express authentically in alignment with the divine blueprint for your life that was set forth and written before you were born.

This is not to say that you have no choice, and as you develop yourself personally, new doors and new thresholds open to take you to a higher vibration, to take you to a more embodied sense of expression.

But the gist of the message for now is that, out of the vast field of infinite possibilities, what will most inspire, enliven, fulfill and reward you is that which is in alignment with your divine light.

Work with your divine soul mission, with showing up and serving the greater collective in the way that is meant for you, in the way that is uniquely you – with the perfect expression, the right expression, your soul expression that is in alignment with your divine template.

Your divine soul mission will be perfectly aligned with your nature, with how you were created, with the gifts stored in your akashic record that you have collected over lifetimes that have brought you to this moment.

Now, all that learning and growing has brought you here and now, where you have the opportunity to thrive, serve, and activate your heart center.

So activate this pillar of light within your core, and connect with the higher dimensions to bring that higher light and pure potential into the present moment now.

An intention, a prayer, a focus point that I want to share now from Spirit is this:

Infinite Spirit or divine Source, beloved source guides, angels, ascended, masters…

Open the way for my right expression. Open the way for my perfect expression to unfold with divine grace and ease, so that I can serve the world in a way I love.

This intention will open the way for you to claim the blessings of the infinite possibilities now available to you. Right now and at every moment you are guided in the small steps you can take as you begin to listen to your inner intuition and inspiration.

By acting in line with this inspiration, you will gain the insight to ground this higher light through your actions. And this puts you on the path not only of self-discovery, but also of service, especially now in this year 2023.

This path of service is supported when you serve in alignment with your unique divine expression. Doors opened where there were only walls. Gateways appear out of nowhere.

Possibilities unfold, and as you continue to grow – as you do the work, guided by your intuition – it may take study or learning to fully arrive at that perfect self-expression.

Spirit will give you all the clues, all the synchronicities, all the nudges. It is only up to you to stay aware, stay present and listen so that you know how you are being guided and what the next step is to take.

This applies both to intervening in doing your divine lightwork, and to accessing what is yours by divine right, in accordance with your embodied soul truth in this life…

But then also to continue to raise your level to claim more of your higher light, to embody more divine love, compassion and power within your physical vessel in this life to grow.

In this way, you can serve at a higher level and claim what is rightfully yours in this life so that you can serve, love, make a difference, and thrive.

Remember that love is so powerful that any doubt or fear that arises within you on this path of entering your embodied expression is simply reversed. You can counter that doubt or fear by leaning on love, by trusting that there is a divine plan for your life.

Trust that you will be supported and guided.

Know that at every moment there is an influx of love flowing into the planet from the Divine, from the higher realms, from Spirit, just waiting for you to tune in, to open your heart and allow your heart to to receive this light, to allow your heart to bloom like a beautiful lotus flower.

The symbol of the lotus growing out of the mud is so powerful because the same applies to your heart. In this realm of duality you have probably experienced all kinds of heartbreak, pain and trauma that can store themselves in the heart center.

If left alone, it will be suppressed until it is forced to let go, which usually happens at the most inopportune time.

But you as an awakening human being have the opportunity to consciously allow the light to enter your heart center, to flow into those places of trauma where wounds and layers around the heart center are located.

You have the ability to welcome all that has been, to love with compassion, forgiveness and understanding; to allow these wounds to heal.

You now have the opportunity to circulate a greater level of love through your heart center, to awaken your heart center so that your heart can flourish and you can be transformed.

In this way, you not only embody more of what blesses and benefits every area of ​​your life, but you then begin to overflow the love around you, to allow the love to flow outside of you, to bless and benefit all beings. to get good.

If you doubt, remember that doubt is but faith in reverse. Doubt is just a pattern, a thought form, an entity.

So if you find yourself in doubt about your ability to step into your divine lightwork, to claim what is yours from the vast field of infinite possibilities, the realms you are drawn to, those deep dreams from the level of your heart, remember that you have the power to turn that doubt into faith.

You have the ability to pursue those soul urges and impulses that point you in the direction of your divine soul mission.

And by serving, by helping those around you, if you help enough people get what they want, you will undoubtedly receive what you desire.

So step into that divine service, grow and raise your level.

And let love be your guide through it all, leaning into love step by step.

When you are challenged, pour some love on it. Invite love to raise your vibration and give you the power to do so.

The blessings of this life are available to you now, and that is your message from Spirit for now.

PS If you would like to receive guidance on how to use Oracle Cards to receive direct knowledge, guidance, wisdom and truth from Spirit…

Click here for more information about my Angel Intuition course >>

It is now available at a huge discount.

I hope this has been useful to you. I love honor and appreciate you.

Olymp Trade - Trade Smarter, Earn Better: Your Path To Financial Success Starts Here

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