Leadership success without copying others

Leadership Success Without Copying Others Cover

Olymp Trade - Trade Smarter, Earn Better: Your Path To Financial Success Starts Here!

The path to successful leadership requires you to become your best version of yourself, without copying others.

Think about this… is there anyone in a leadership position where you work that you would most want? NOT be like?

You may already have an image of ‘them’ – of that person in front of you – in mind.

And no, you don’t have to lead like “them”. That’s not necessary either attempt not lead like “them”. Your leadership success will actually come from leading like you do.

Working with thousands of people around the world, I have often heard people say some version of “if I have to be like “them”, I will never get promoted or I would rather not become a leader (as in positional leader)”.

After all, if there is someone who occupies a higher role than you and whom you neither respect nor admire, it is reasonable to wonder whether you need to be like them to get ahead.

But you absolutely Do not To get ahead, you have to become like someone you don’t respect or admire.

In fact, trying to be like someone else is the surest way to derail your success.

This also applies to the people you consider role models. Of course, role models are great to have. But remember that you will be better served by simply learning from them, rather than trying to become them.

The “they” you are thinking of may have skills, experience, and/or connections that got them where they are today. Go ahead and take cues about the skills, experience, and connections that may be important to your growth, but you never, ever have to be like anyone else.

Why leadership success doesn’t come from copying others

Because the moment you focus on emulating someone else, you sacrifice the source of your personal power: the things that make you uniquely capable and qualified for your next level of leadership success.

In the words of Oscar Wilde: “Be yourself, everyone else is taken.”

Instead, turn your attention inward and take a stand for the leader you are and the leader you are ultimately meant to become. Doing this will give you access to two of the most important ingredients to level up to your next level of leadership success: confidence and courage.

Are you ready to become the leader you are meant to be?

Olymp Trade - Trade Smarter, Earn Better: Your Path To Financial Success Starts Here

Reference By: randomactsofleadership.com

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