It’s time to remember

It'S Time To Remember
Wayne Dyer

Who you are,

The purpose of your life,

The power you possess

How all of creation is a form of energy

And how you can best work with it.

Dear Ones, the frequencies are changing and allowing you to remember more of your true nature and the mysteries of this world and beyond. This information is not new to you. You simply forgot about it during your physical existence. This memory block increases the power of the lessons you came here to learn.

But now it’s time to sit down and let the memories flow. You read these words because part of you recognizes the truth in them. Open your heart and let the power of your love circulate across this earth and beyond.

Dear One, during your life you have become obedient and accepted the fear-filled stories as truth. Those who craved power purposefully used fear to control others. But you’re waking up now. Can you take back your power and say? I no longer accept something that instills fear in my psyche, in my life?

You DO have that strength and discernment is important as you continue to move forward. The Universe is encouraging you to gently move into the higher frequencies circulating in this physical realm.

How do they do this? They offer you the gift of letting go of old baggage that binds you to lower frequencies. Have you noticed that old feelings of anger or self-condemnation are becoming more common? These offer you opportunities to bring them to light, reflect on them and release them in love.

Just as ballast is thrown from a hot air balloon to help it take off, you are also being asked to let go of those old ways of being. You will be freer to rise with the newer energies coming into this world.

To contribute to this changing world, you are guided to be alert to how your energy vibrates. Do you experience the lower frequencies of anger, frustration, judgment and fear? Can you ‘choose again’ and shift to the higher frequencies of joy, compassion, laughter and love?

A large part of the way you live has become a habit. But habits can be broken. It starts with becoming aware of what they are and how they affect your day. Once they are recognized, they can be changed through awareness and reflection.

Dear One, understand that allowing someone or something to make you feel fear or anger gives away your power. Can you instead transmute those lower frequencies with loving thoughts and actions?

All these emotions are forms of energy and can travel great distances. Have you not felt the pain of someone else who is not close to you? Understand that as you master moving with calming grace, this energy will positively impact others. Offer your support by being a holy observer to others, without judgment, only with love.

Everything in this world and beyond is a form of energy that responds to you, just as you respond to the calming energies of nature. Become more aware of how other people, places, ideas, or objects influence you. Do they take you up or down?

Your power lies in your awareness of how life affects you. You have the power to change any negative input by transmuting it with love. You can change the world around you by being more aware of the way you give away your power.

Do not forget who you are. You are a luminous being of light in a physical body. You are IN this world, but not OF this world and you can change the world around you. You are co-creator of your world. Reject the power that fear has had over you and watch your world change.

Dear One, question everything, even these words, and decide whether they support you or lower your energy. Keep asking for help when you stumble, because the path forward can be difficult. But you have the power of love within you. Send it through your heart with every breath.

Let the memories return.

Open your heart to higher energies.

Be discerning in how you are influenced

By the world around you.

Choose again. Choose love and mercy.

Choose to let go of old habits

With the help of those who support you

Every moment of your day.

You are so dear to us

Dearest to all of you.


Join the virtual prayer circle every Sunday at 9:00 PM Eastern Standard Time:

Sit quietly and see all as one in this world as you offer prayers together with kindred souls.

Keep the momentum going. Your input is needed now more than ever.

I will add my energy to your loving thoughts for the world and your loved ones.

I will hold the space and offer my support to everyone around the world to let their light shine, to trust who they are, where they are and the role they play here in this space. May we all support each other with loving support as we move closer to a new way of being.

Connect when you can and help bring change to this world. Understand that there is a constant stream of collective prayer circulating around this globe at all times.

Much gratitude and many blessings to you.

May we all be grateful for the invisible world that holds us up and keeps us strong with love.



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