Why identify when your mind is a necessity

Why Identify When Your Mind Is A Necessity

Why identify if your mind is a need is an article by Chrysanthemum Baloi.

The human journey is filled with a strong realization of emotions and thoughts. As we navigate our human journey, we are often deeply involved in our thoughts and emotions.

Claiming that they are your thoughts and emotions is an inaccurate representation of your reality.

You cannot think a thought if you are the thought itself, just as you cannot feel the emotion if you are the emotion.

You are the thinker and the feeler and not the thought or emotion. You are not the mind where thoughts and emotions arise.

You, the human, are a spirit. A human spirit not only possesses a body, but also a soul. For the soul is the mental and emotional self, the psychological self.

You have to walk and create the way by walking; you won’t find a ready-made path. -Osho Click to tweet

The soul is a representation of your upbringing and the decisions and results of your life, who you think you have become.

When you live identifying as a spirit, you realize that you are not defined by your thoughts and you should not be overwhelmed by your emotions.

Being one with your emotions and thoughts strengthens and prolongs them.

When you become frustrated with emotion and you become that frustration, it overwhelms your entire body. Your actions are one of frustration, as are your thoughts and words.

When you detach yourself from the feeling of frustration, frustration remains an emotion and does not seep into affecting your thoughts, words, actions and your entire being.

You can achieve this detachment by simply recognizing and accepting that you feel frustration in your body.

By accepting frustration as an emotion you feel, it remains an emotion, instead of you becoming that emotion.

One of the most spiritual things you can do is embrace your humanity. -Steve Maraboli Click to tweet

When you proclaim that an emotion is an emotion and you know that you are not your emotions breaking away from emotion as a result.

When you know that you are detached from an emotion because you are not the emotion itself, you feel the emotion through acceptance as it subsides. Because it is known that emotions are always fleeting.

Which brings me to how damaging it can be to be one with your emotions, as they always come and go.

You may not be able to truly live your life because you are too busy managing emotions and thoughts.

You are the controller and master of what you own. It is you, the mind, that determines what you do with the emotions and thoughts you feel and think. They are known by you, not to become you.

If you, the mind, the thinker and the feeler, decide to remain calm because an unpleasant emotion is overwhelming you, that emotion will receive your message and you will certainly calm down until you are completely calm.

When you connect with the silence within yourself, you can give meaning to the unrest around you. -Stephen Richards Click to tweet

Emotions and thoughts overtake your being because no authority tells them not to. In reality, there is an authority that allows them to overtake the human being as a whole, and that authority or lack of authority is you in spirit.

We were taught to feel our emotions and not run from them, but this may have implied that we should becoming one with our emotions.

But in logic it means that when I feel an emotion, I am not the emotion, because it is a separate entity that happens to me and that I recognize by the practice of feeling it.

Even when I practice feeling my emotions, I am the most detached from them. Because emotions and thoughts are intertwined, the same principle applies to both.

Your thoughts become your reality because there is an authority that allows them to become that way.

If the authority were to recognize, accept, and proclaim that the thought is just a thought, that you are not me and therefore cannot represent what my moment is, then the thought would heed that authority and you would not respond to its power over you. Because you wouldn’t have given it any power, you would have stayed with your power.

The only place the mind will ever find peace is in the silence of the heart. That’s where you need to go. -Elizabeth Gilbert Click to tweet

Living as a ghost equals live a spiritual life. In spiritual life enlightenment is achieved. Enlightenment is the answer to every question of our time.

The bliss of a spiritual life is enlightenment. Enlightenment frees you from the mundane and illusory aspects of life.

Guest author:

Chrysanthemum Baloi is a blogger in the field of spiritual enlightenment, personal development, mental and healthy health (advertisement) In Milky Way.

Now that she has achieved enlightenment, her mission is to help others achieve enlightenment and thus achieve true freedom, healing and inner peace.

Chrysanthemum wrote an e-book (published on Amazon) called (advertisement) Mental Health Resource: A Guide to Healthy Mental Health that provides individuals with insight into how they can achieve lifelong mental health.

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