How to properly store cheese

How To Properly Store Cheese

If you’ve ever taken a pack of cheese out of the refrigerator and noticed that it has hardened and/or changed color, chances are you haven’t stored it properly. In this article I will show you how to store cheese in different ways so that it stays looking and tasting fresh for a long time!

Cheese is one of the ingredients you will find in most homes. It’s the secret to instantly lightening up a boring dish and making everything insanely more delicious. From cheese pav bhaji to a cheesy, garlicky kulcha or even momos and soups, you just can’t go wrong with adding a little cheese.

But a question I am often asked is: “How do I store cheese” to keep it fresh longer? The point is that if cheese is not stored properly, it is very likely to harden, develop a strange texture and odor, and in some cases even grow mold. Imagine taking a pack of cheese out of the fridge and finding it has spoiled – heartbreaking, right? But don’t worry, because that’s exactly what we’re going to discuss in this article. Scroll down and discover how to store cheese correctly so that it lasts much longer.

Here’s how to store cheese properly

  1. Remove it from the plastic: If the cheese you purchased comes in plastic packaging, it is best to remove it immediately. This is because cheese is a living thing that breathes, sweats and ages just like any other living thing. A plastic-wrapped cheese feels suffocated, which can alter the taste and lead to the growth of harmful bacteria, making the cheese unsafe for consumption.
  1. Wrap it in baking paper: Cheese bags or cheese paper are ideal for storing cheese. They have a thin layer of wax that prevents the cheese from drying out. But they can be a bit pricey. However, parchment paper is half the price and does the job well! There is a similar wax layer on top that essentially does the same thing as cheese paper and is perfect for storing cheese.

Remark: If you have a large amount of cheese and plan to keep it longer, I recommend replacing the parchment paper wrapper every few days to prevent contamination.

  1. Store in the vegetable drawer: If your refrigerator has a crisper drawer, it is best to store the cheese there. The cold and stable temperature of the vegetable drawer ensures that the cheese maintains its textural integrity, keeping it fresh for much longer.
  1. Buy smaller quantities: The rule of thumb when it comes to cheese is to buy it in smaller quantities. This way you can easily consume it within a few days and worry less about how to store it. Not only does fresh cheese always taste a lot better, but a smaller quantity also means a smaller chance that you will forget that cheese is in your refrigerator.

Packaging the cheese

The way you package cheese also affects its shelf life. Wrapping cheese in parchment paper is a lot like wrapping a gift. It should be tight and neat, but not crumpled and/or suffocating. Make sure all the ends are tucked in neatly and that no part of the cheese is visible so it doesn’t dry out. Here’s a video tutorial on it how to pack cheese correctly that could come in handy.

A few more things to keep in mind when storing cheese

  • Re-wrap the cheese in a new piece of baking paper after each use.
  • You can even place the wrapped cheese in a airtight glass container for extra food safety. A glass container is a lot safer compared to plastic because it does not transfer odors from other foods in the refrigerator, keeping it fresh for much longer.
  • Do not wrap the cheese too tightly in baking paper, as this can suffocate the cheese.
  • Always label the cheese package/package with the type and date you opened the package to help you complete it on time without the risk of things going bad.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I freeze cheese?

Yes absolutely! Cheese is best frozen in its original packaging, so if you have an opened block of cheese, just stick it in the refrigerator and it will be fine.

But if you want to save leftover cheese, here’s what you can do: remove the cheese from the original packaging and wrap it in wax or baking paper, as shown in the video above. Place the wrapped cheese in a clean, dry, airtight glass container and place it in the freezer. Frozen cheese keeps well in the freezer for about 3 to 4 weeks.

How long can you keep cheese in the refrigerator?

Again, something that depends on the type of cheese in question. But in general, hard cheeses such as cheddar, aged gouda, etc. can be kept in the refrigerator for much longer. But soft cheeses such as cottage cheese, mozzarella, processed cheese, feta, etc. have a shorter shelf life and should be consumed quickly.

My favorite cheese recipes

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