Best herbs and crystals to improve your intimacy with your partner

Best Herbs And Crystals To Improve Your Intimacy With Your Partner

Valentine’s Day is here and you want to make it as magical as possible to have the best intimate experience with your partner. Perhaps you are planning a special candlelit dinner and would like to enhance the atmosphere even more by dimming the rooms and putting on mood music in the background. When you do, you elevate the mood for a passionate and intimate experience with your partner. Some other things you can add to improve your intimacy with your partner include herbs and crystals.

How do crystals and herbs help improve a sexual experience?

There are powerful properties in herbs and crystals as they can increase strength in many areas such as self-esteem, self-confidence, creativity, intuition and much more. They can also improve sexual power, and you want to have an intimate time with your partner on the day of love – or any day! That’s why you’ll want to use crystals and herbs to increase your libido and make the entire intimate experience with your partner magical.

Crystals are highly vibrating rocks of the Earth. They can help you improve anything you want. They can redirect and channel the energetic flow with their vibration, loosening or strengthening parts of your body. That’s why you’ll want to get the ideal crystals to help improve your libido and make your intimate experience great. And combining crystals with herbs can make the experience even more fantastic.

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However, crystals and herbs work differently. Crystals work with your energy, while herbs affect you physically. Herbs can heal you physically because they contain phytochemicals and nutrient-rich antioxidants, which can strengthen parts of your body that may be weak. Some herbs are excellent for improving libido and sexual energy. And those herbs that you want to use in your recipes days or weeks before the day of love, so that you can make your intimate time magical. First, let’s discuss which crystals are ideal for enhancing your intimate experience.

Which crystals help improve libido and improve intimacy?

Different crystals can help improve your sexuality for different reasons. Each crystal has its properties and can help enhance and enhance your energy in many ways. Some crystals can better help you build your self-esteem, find your strength, ward off negative energy, and provide other methods of protection through energetic means. And some crystals can help strengthen and improve your libido. Let’s discuss the best ones:


Agate is a stone in different shades, but most often with blue tones. The stone helps you express yourself and strengthen your Throat Chakra. Therefore, when it comes to having a healthy relationship, it can help you express yourself better, leading to effective communication. You will also be able to express your love for your partner more easily. And when it comes to your desires regarding intimacy, you can use this stone to help you ask for what you need and what you want to make your sexual experience magical.


Citrine is a yellow gemstone known to help improve your financial situation, but it’s a great stone to help you become more playful if you struggle to find pleasure in intimacy. It will help you discover your adventurous side and encourage you to laugh and enjoy your sexual experience with your partner. If you take sex with your partner too seriously, this is a good stone that can help you find the joy and lightness in your experience. It can work with the Sacral Chakra, the area of ​​intimacy and creativity.

Rose quartz

Rose quartz is a pink stone associated with your heart chakra, and it is the stone that will help you express and receive love. It is not a stone that will help your passionate side when it comes to having vigorous sex. But you must give and receive love to invite passion into your intimacy with your partner. It cleanses your heart so that you are ready to receive love from your partner and develop trust for him/her. If you want to have a meaningful sexual experience with your partner, love must be in the picture.

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Selenite is a light blue or cloudy white stone and cleanses your energy and adds a spiritual element to your sex life. Therefore, when you are intimate with your partner, selenite will turn it into a spiritual or esoteric experience, adding more meaning to it. However, if you’re not in the mood because you’ve had a challenging day, selenite can help remove that stress, which will boost your libido and open you up to a magical, intimate experience.

Red Jasper

Red Jasper is red and associated with the Root Chakra, increasing vitality and the duration of sexual passion and arousal. If your intimacy needs a good boost, this is a great stone to keep with you. You will want to keep it in your bedroom because it will help you clear the Root Chakra, and it will also help you clear the Sacral Chakra. This stone helps activate these chakras, so that you and your partner can have long-lasting fun in the bedroom.

There are other crystals that can help improve and strengthen your intimacy and sexual energy, but the above crystals are ideal to keep with you and will help you the most. Now let’s discuss the best herbs to improve your intimacy with your partner.

Which herbs help improve libido and improve intimacy?

Various crystals can help you make your intimacy time more meaningful by energetically improving your libido and connection with your partner. However, you will want to improve your libido and your physical connection with your partner, which in many ways you need, as the crystals can only enhance your experience energetically.

Therefore, various herbs can help increase your sex drive and your intimacy with your partner. You’ll want to take certain herbs as supplements because of their potency, but you can add others to your meals if they’re potent enough. Let’s discuss some herbs that are being considered aphrodisiacs or to take as a supplement:

Panax/Korean Ginseng

There are different types of ginseng, and the one you want to get is Korean ginseng, also called Panax ginseng. It has been shown to help stimulate the nervous system, which triggers the release of sex hormones, as it not only helps improve libido but also aids in arousal. This is best taken as a supplement, and you will want to go for red ginseng as it is safe as it undergoes the steam heating process, which eliminates pathogens.

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Shatavari or Asparagus Racemosus

Are asparagus a aphrodisiac? Yes, it can be, because it contains many nutrients that can help regulate your sex hormones. Yet the herb that is even more powerful than the asparagus you eat for dinner is known as Shatavari, also known as Asparagus racemosus, a different type of herb. Shatavari is an herb that balances hormones and improves sex drive, as it is an Ayurvedic medicine that practitioners have been giving for thousands of years to people struggling with low libido. You can also take this herb in a capsule to maximize its effects.


Fenugreek resembles a clover; it is an age-old vegetable and herbal remedy with many healing properties, especially in terms of stimulating libido. Studies have shown that taking 600 mg of fenugreek over a six-week period significantly improves libido and arousal. It can help you enjoy experiencing powerful orgasms, which only makes the sexual experience more esoteric and powerful. The bonus of taking this herb is that you will generally feel good and more energetic, in addition to a more powerful sex drive.


Ginkgo is another herb from Asia that grows on fan-shaped leaves on trees. If you are struggling with libido, this is an excellent herbal remedy that can help as it has been shown to improve blood flow in the sexual organs. Therefore, it will help increase libido and sexual arousal in men and women. However, studies have shown that women benefit greatly from ginkgo, as they experience sexual arousal after taking the herb for a while, while usually struggling with low libido.


Tribulus is an herb and is used in traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine as an aphrodisiac as it is known to improve sex drive in men and women. Studies have shown that this herb can make men and women interested in sex if they are struggling with low libido. It can help improve men with mild to moderate sexual dysfunction, and women who use this herb have reported experiencing powerful lubrication and orgasms, which will only enhance the intimate experience between partners looking to enjoy their connection on Valentine’s Day. every other day they want to be intimate!

If you are struggling with a low libido due to stress, sex is the last thing on your mind. Still, you want to have an intimate time with your partner on Valentine’s Day to make it even more special; the good news is that you can use crystals and herbs that can help improve your libido and sex drive. To be effective, you must take these herbal remedies before the special day. However, you will want to have some crystals to get an energetic boost to help with intimacy with your partner. Combined, they can make the sexual experience magical.

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