How to Master the Chair Pose (Utkatasana) in No Time

Chair Pose (Utkatasana)

If you’ve ever tried yoga, you’ve probably come across the Chair Pose or Utkatasana. At first glance, it seems easy, but once you try holding it, you’ll quickly realise it’s a real workout for your legs and core.

Whether you’re new to yoga or have been practising for years, Chair Pose is a fantastic move that builds strength, balance, and flexibility. Plus, it’s one of those poses you can practice anytime to give your body an energy boost.

In this guide, I’ll walk you through how to do the Chair Pose, explain why it’s so good for you, and share tips to make it easier. I’ve been there, feeling the burn in my thighs and wobbly knees, and I know exactly how to help you get through it!

Why Chair Pose is so good for you?

Let’s start with why Chair Pose is worth your time. Think of it as a mini-workout packed into one yoga move. Here’s what it can do:

  • Strengthens your legs and core: Chair Pose works your thighs, calves, and core muscles. You’ll feel it in your quads (the front of your thighs) pretty quickly!
  • Boosts your balance: This pose helps improve your balance by challenging your body to stay stable.
  • Increases focus: Since it takes concentration to hold the pose, you’ll train your brain to stay present and focused.
  • Improves posture: As you lift your chest and engage your core, you’ll naturally stand taller and build better posture.

Now that you know why it’s so great, let’s break it down step by step.

How to Do Chair Pose (Utkatasana) Step by Step

Chair Pose is one of those poses where small adjustments make a big difference. Here’s how you can do it correctly to get the most out of the pose.

1. Start in Mountain Pose (Tadasana)

Mountain Pose is a simple standing pose that helps you find your balance and alignment before diving into Chair Pose.

  • Stand tall: Bring your feet together or place them slightly apart if that feels more comfortable.
  • Engage your legs: Press evenly through your feet and firm up your thighs. Imagine you’re standing really tall, with your chest lifted and shoulders relaxed.
  • Focus on your breath: Take a deep breath in and feel grounded in this standing position.

2. Raise Your Arms

As you inhale, stretch your arms up toward the sky. Your palms can either face each other or touch together, whatever feels right for you.

  • Keep your shoulders down: Don’t let your shoulders creep up to your ears. Relax them as you reach up.
  • Modify if needed: If your shoulders are tight, try keeping your hands apart or bringing them to your heart in a prayer position.

3. Bend Your Knees Like You’re Sitting in a Chair

Now, the fun part! Exhale and bend your knees like you’re about to sit in a chair. But here’s the catch you’re hovering, not sitting.

  • Check your knees: Make sure your knees don’t go past your toes. It can strain your knees if they’re too far forward.
  • Shift your hips back: Imagine you’re sticking your butt out behind you as you lower your hips. You want your thighs to be as parallel to the ground as possible.
  • Find your balance: Keep your weight in your heels. You should be able to wiggle your toes a bit to know you’re balanced.

4. Engage Your Core and Lift Your Chest

Once you’re in the pose, focus on engaging your core muscles (think of pulling your belly button toward your spine). At the same time, lift your chest slightly so you’re not slumping forward.

  • Tailbone tip: Tuck your tailbone just a little bit to protect your lower back. You don’t want to arch your back too much here.
  • Feel the burn: By now, your thighs might start feeling the burn that’s normal! The longer you hold the pose, the stronger your legs will get.

5. Hold and Breathe

This is where the challenge kicks in. Hold the pose for 5 to 10 breaths (or as long as you can), breathing deeply in and out.

  • Focus on your breath: When it gets tough, focus on your breathing. This helps calm your mind and keep you steady.
  • Smile through it: It might feel intense, but smiling can help you relax and enjoy the process.

6. Release the Pose

When you’re ready to come out of the pose, inhale and straighten your legs, bringing your arms down to your sides. Return to standing and take a moment to notice how your body feels.

Common Chair Pose struggles and how to fix them

Don’t worry if the Chair Pose doesn’t feel perfect right away like any yoga pose, it takes practice. Here are a few common mistakes people make and how to fix them:

1. Knees Moving Too Far Forward

  • The problem: If your knees go past your toes, it puts stress on your knees.
  • The fix: Keep your knees in line with your ankles by sticking your hips back more. Think of it like you’re trying to sit down in a chair that’s too far behind you.

2. Arched Lower Back

  • The problem: When your lower back arches too much, it can cause discomfort or strain.
  • The fix: Engage your core and tuck your tailbone just a bit to straighten out your spine.

3. Leaning Forward Too Much

  • The problem: If you lean too far forward, it can mess up your balance and put pressure on your knees.
  • The fix: Focus on keeping your chest lifted and your weight in your heels. Imagine a string pulling your chest upward.

How to Make Chair Pose Easier or More Challenging

Chair Pose can be tricky, but there are ways to make it easier or more challenging, depending on how you feel that day.

If You Want to Make Chair Pose Easier:

  • Don’t lower as much: You don’t have to bend your knees super deep. Start with a small bend and work your way down as you build strength.
  • Use a chair for support: Stand in front of a chair and lower down just enough to lightly touch it with your hips. This gives you a bit of extra support while you practice.
  • Keep your hands at your heart: If reaching your arms overhead is uncomfortable, bring your hands to your chest in a prayer position.

If You Want to Challenge Yourself:

  • Lift your heels: Try lifting your heels off the ground while holding a Chair Pose. This makes balancing harder and works your calves too.
  • Hold the pose longer: Instead of holding for 5 breaths, try staying in the pose for 10 or 15 breaths.
  • Add a twist: From Chair Pose, bring your palms together at your chest and twist to one side, hooking your elbow on the outside of your knee. This adds a balance and core challenge.

How to Fit Chair Pose Into Your Yoga Routine

Chair Pose can be a powerful addition to your yoga routine. Whether you’re warming up, building strength, or cooling down, here’s how to use it:

  1. In Your Warm-Up: Chair Pose is great for warming up your legs and core before diving into more challenging poses. Try adding it to your Sun Salutations to get your body moving.
  2. As a Strength Builder: Hold the Chair Pose longer to build leg and core strength. You can also combine it with lunges or Warrior poses for a lower-body workout.
  3. In Your Cool-Down: After a workout, do a gentle version of Chair Pose to stretch your legs and release any tension from your lower body.

Frequently Asked Questions About Chair Pose

Here are a few questions people often ask about Chair Pose and I’ve asked them myself when I first started!

1. Why do my thighs burn so much in Chair Pose?

Chair Pose works your quads (the muscles at the front of your thighs), which is why you feel that burning sensation. It’s a sign that your muscles are getting stronger.

2. Can I still do a Chair Pose if I have knee pain?

Yes! Just don’t bend your knees as deeply. Keep your weight in your heels, and focus on engaging your core to support your body. If your knees hurt, you can also practice against a wall for more support.

3. How long should I hold the Chair Pose?

Start by holding the pose for 5 breaths. As you get stronger, try holding it for up to 10 or 15 breaths.

4. What if I can’t get my thighs parallel to the floor?

No worries! You don’t have to go that low right away. Just bend your knees as much as feels comfortable, and you’ll get lower over time.

5. How do I make sure my back doesn’t hurt in Chair Pose?

Tuck your tailbone slightly to avoid overarching your lower back. Also, remember to engage your core and lift your chest to support your spine.


Chair Pose may be challenging, but with practice, you’ll grow to love it. It strengthens your legs, improves your balance, and boosts your focus. Remember, it’s okay if you don’t get it perfect right away yoga is all about the journey.

Keep practising, listen to your body, and take it one breath at a time. You’ll be surprised at how much stronger and more confident you feel in no time!

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