The one thing that exceptional leaders never forget

The One Thing That Exceptional Leaders Never Forget

How many of us would be happy if we knew that the highlight of our career was being good at getting through the day?

Unfortunately, that is the reality that leaders must recognize as the focus of today’s leadership becomes less on achieving long-term goals and more on putting out fires and “getting things done.”

While this certainly makes us look good from a day-to-day perspective, it also leaves us with little to point to as a real achievement and reflection of who we were and what we did as a leader.

This is undoubtedly why biographies and stories of successful leaders continue to capture our curiosity and imagination. After all, their leadership example is what we all aspire to be – in our own way, of course.

But how can we be our own version of an exceptional leader if we only focus on things that, while urgent, are not important to achieving anything lasting and meaningful? Something that changes things for the better, or at least opens the door for others to influence that kind of change

In this edition of my Leadership Espresso Shot series, I describe one thing exceptional leaders never forget: leading the way in everything they say and do.

It is something that each of us can make a part of our leadership focus, provided we are willing to make the effort to not let the demands of our daily lives dictate where we place that long-term focus. The lens through which we must continue to look outward if we want to achieve something remarkable, something great.

So I hope you’ll take a quick break from your daily work duties to listen to this episode and find inspiration on how you can be your own version of that exceptional leader your employees and team need. .

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