Why you should come for a walk – talkhealth Blog


Feeling rather drowned and overwhelmed by all the health and wellness information that came our way in January?

Just want to know what you can do to improve your health? With the added bonus of it being free?

Go for a walk.

This works for most people, regardless of age.

Not only is walking free, but the graph shows that the steep incline shows the HUGE health benefit of the first 7,000 steps you take per day. 7,000 steps may seem like a lot if you have health conditions that limit your mobility, BUT just increasing your steps a little will still have incredible benefits to your health.

You’ll benefit twice as much from your first 5,000 steps compared to your next 5,000.

While in an ideal world you would go outside for a walk, the body (apart from the vitamin D and mental health aspect) doesn’t really care where you walk.

You could walk 5,000 steps around your house and you would see the same health benefits.

You can listen to your favorite radio show while walking laps in your kitchen and still get the same health benefits (if you don’t get dizzy first).

You can walk laps around your garden, or go to the end of the street and back.

This great, simple, free exercise that all ages and levels can do

Lowers blood pressure
Increases energy levels
Improves sleep
Strengthens bones and muscles

AND if you can get outside, you can experience the amazing seasonal changes we have in Britain (right now snowdrops are poking their heads up in Havenstoke Park).

You don’t have to get 5,000 steps in today, you don’t have to get them all done in one go, you just have to get a few more in than you did yesterday.

If you would like some company while walking, join the free walk every Monday at 2.45pm (meeting at The Pavilion, Graylingwell). The walk is followed by a cup of tea and a chat at the Coffee Spot. Mobility aids, walking sticks, all welcome! For more information call 07785 747669

The mail Why you should come for a walk appeared first on Whole life fitness.

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