FIRST TIME MANAGER TIPS! (What to do in the FIRST 30 DAYS as a new manager)

First Time Manager

#1. Meet the senior management team

The first thing you should do as a new manager is to meet with the senior management team and get a full overview of what is expected of you and your team.

Ask the senior management team what the short-, medium- and long-term goals of the company are, what are the most pressing issues that need your attention, and what information they can give you about the current status of the team you are responsible for and how they have performed.


The second thing you should do when you start working as a new manager is get to know your team or department. Gather everyone together and say the following:

“My name is [INSERT YOUR NAME], and I’m your new manager. Continue your work as normal for the next two weeks. During this time I will monitor your performance to see how effective you are and to assess if any changes need to be made. After the two week period we will meet again to discuss my plans for the team and also to inform you about the short, medium and long term objectives of the company. If anyone has any questions in the meantime, please feel free to drop by.”

Now during the two-week observation period, see how your remote team is performing and note any areas for improvement as well as any good work performance.


The third thing you should do within the first 30 days of starting your job as a new manager is read and understand the company’s rules and procedures. When you start your job, ask the senior management team what rules, policies and procedures you need to familiarize yourself with. Remember that it is important to set high standards in your team, and unless you are aware of company policies and procedures, you will not be able to achieve that important goal.


The fourth thing to do in the first 30 days after starting your new job as a manager is to meet your team again. This should take place after the initial two-week observation period.

During this team meeting you will introduce yourself properly, discuss the good work you have seen them complete in that two-week period and also outline the areas for improvement that you would like to see happen. During this conversation you will also discuss the company values ​​that you want to demonstrate and the action plan that you will implement. At the beginning of the meeting you could say something like this…

“Over the past two weeks I have had the opportunity to see how you work as a team and I am impressed with your performance. (Then you can highlight some key areas of good work that you have seen.) While the work has generally been excellent, there are some key areas that I would like to see improve. (Next, highlight the areas where you want to see improvements before discussing the company’s short-, medium- and long-term goals and your action plan.)


The fifth and final thing you should do as a new manager in your first 30 days is to conduct a performance review with each person on your team. A performance review involves sitting down privately with each team member and discussing their plans for the next twelve months. During their performance review, set and discuss objectives to achieve their training needs. The performance review is also your opportunity to praise them for the excellent work they have done and assess their career aspirations.

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