Be positive

Be Positive

Let’s learn from a failure or a bad experience and never repeat the same mistake. Every setback and bad situation in life teaches you something. Growth doesn’t happen in comfort. You have to get out of your comfort zone for something great to happen in your life. Consider it an opportunity to train your mind – to be stronger, more resilient, and better equipped – to handle whatever life throws at you. There is a Chinese idiom: “A Frog in the Well” – which points to such people who cannot/see the bigger picture because of their narrow-mindedness or rather narrow-mindedness.

Most of the time, you hold on to anger because you think it will make the person you are angry with angry and realize that he or she has done something wrong. But the fact is that you are essentially hanging yourself on something that is burning you inside. When you are angry with someone, the pain is more with you than with the person you are angry with. When you hate someone, the fire is in your own mind. No matter what someone does to you—hurt you, look down on you, underestimate you, stab you in the back, abuse you, or cheat on you—if you harbor the hatred, you hold on to the pain. Only when you learn to let go will you release your soul from the pain. Whatever caused them to take certain negative actions toward you, the best thing you can do is “let go.” It will be hard to do if you’ve never done it before. But be slow, one day at a time, patient, let it go, forgive those who wronged you, you will feel yourself becoming stronger and more powerful every day.

If you’re having trouble “letting go,” start with meditation. Even meditation is difficult because you have to control yourself. You don’t have to think anything while meditating – but that’s the key! If you can control your thoughts, concentrate and keep your mind calm, the muscles of the mind become stronger – this is the secret power of meditation.

The fire is only within you. The person you hate does not feel your hatred. “Let it go”. “Let it go”.

Many of us are concerned. We worry about our future – about our careers, health, lives, finances and about the people we love. We worry because we are afraid – afraid of losing them, afraid of missing them. But worrying doesn’t make anything better unless we stop worrying and take action to achieve our goals. If you are concerned about your health as you get older, you should start eating healthy and exercising regularly. If you are worried about your finances, you should start saving for the rainy days. If you are concerned about your children, encourage them to take action to address your concerns.

Remember that Worrying about your loved ones doesn’t really make them better. It only affects your health and yourself. Your loved ones will have to take action themselves. All you can do is encourage them and help them move in the right direction.

We don’t want to accept that we are wrong because it makes us feel rejected and unaccepted. Not accepting the truth increases our stress and decreases our self-confidence. And self-confidence equals soul-confidence. With subsequent cycles of positive, negative and wasteful thought processes we conflate every aspect of our lives – leading to degradation of soul confidence. When, there is less soul (self)confidence, there are more chances to lose/miss all those things/persons in our lives that we consider inseparable from ourselves. We stand here for the Soul (Man).

Stand on greater heights of Soul Confidence to win the hearts of your own as well as those of others.

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