Hello loved ones,
Why do we get sick? I mean, seriously?
My husband and I decided to spend a month in Nicaragua to keep my lungs in top condition. A cheap paradise plus personal time with my Team D wingwoman Dana, who has built a beautiful life there with her family. Perfection!
Within 48 hours of arriving…I became sicker than I have been in years. Have I not meditated enough? Getting enough incense? Is this my way of burning karma? Am I a New Age loser?
I could say it was the air freshener and the bacteria and the smoke and the dust and the burning rubber fumes and all the allergens that activated my already sensitive airways.
Or I could say:
It was my deep sorrow that I have dealt with a large part of this life, transferred from lifetimes, about the illusion that we are separated, that I am alone in my mental health and long for us all to return to Love.
They’re not allergies honey,
It’s a cosmic homesickness
Eps 97 of WITH LOVE, DANIELLEis personal and universal:
- The ‘outer’ reasons for illness versus the inner reason. Tip: the external circumstance triggers the inner imbalance.
- The healing center that makes the difference – from berating ourselves to compassion.
- The practice I use to saturate pain points with healing frequencies.
- How karma is our opportunity to realize our true abilities as healers.
The healing lies in the disease – which is always a call to compassion.
And hey… catharsis isn’t a bad way to start the new year.
With love,
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Mentioned in this episode:
- Receive my (free) HOLY WEEKENDS email 2 Fridays/month REGISTER HERE. 222,000 readers love it!
- The heart-centered membership: 2 live classes/month + conscious community. Access our ever-expanding library of meditations, daily rituals, guided audios, playlists. Every spiritual practice in my metaphysical tool belt. Please come in and take refuge.
- Boom Casa Resort in San Jaun del Sur, Nicaragua is a beautiful getaway. Friendliest people. Ask for a room “at the top”… quiet, private, beautiful.