How can you tune into the energy and origins of Sirian Starseeds?

How Can You Tune Into The Energy And Origins Of Sirian Starseeds?

What is a Sirian Starseed?

A Sirian Starseed is a Wanderer Soul. Its origins or first lives began in the star system of Sirius.

There are many Sirian starseeds incarnated on Earth at this time. I have met quite a few through giving my Soul Star Readings.

During these readings I work with a client’s Divine Soul Blueprint. Part of this lecture is about their Soul Group.

During the Soul Star Reading, the client may discover that he or she has a Sirian Starseed origin.

Are Sirian Starseeds here?

Sirians are planetary builders and system builders.

Akashic guide Matias de Stefano, in his Gaia series Initiationrefers to the Sirians as one of the builders of the Earth’s magnetic field and magnetic grids.

Sirians may have helped seed and create our earthly consciousness. This has happened in collaboration with some other star races, such as the Arcturians and the Orionid beings.

Sirian Starseeds work with gold, specifically gold discs. Their work helps establish energetic portals and ley lines around the planet.

Connections between Sirian Starseeds and the Hopi in Arizona

The Hopi name for the star Sirius is “Blue Star Kachina”.

The Arizona-based Hopi tribe predicts a rise of the Fifth World. They say this will be when the Blue Star of Sirius becomes more visible in our night sky.

Their stories say that this is because the Earth is in a long-distance orbit with Sirius. Currently, Sirius is outside of our current non-binary stellar history.

Binary star systems are a system of two stars that are connected by gravity. They are therefore in orbit around each other. Binary star systems are more common than non-binary star systems.

Currently, Earth is a non-binary star system because we only have Sol, the sun star, as our primary force for our orbit.

The return of Sirius

The Arizona Hopi tells of a time when Sirius will be in our orbit again. That’s what they predict and we get a visit from the Kachinas (outworlders) from Sirius. They say this has happened before, in their distant past.

The Hopi pass on this information in their oral history and traditions. They even make Kachina dolls for their children so that they will not be afraid of the outworlders when they return.

Sirius is predicted to appear as a silvery light during the day and as a second moon at night.

This idea reminds me of Luke Skywalker’s original home planet, where two suns set in the evening.

Sirian Starseeds and Spiritual Practice

There are three Sirian stars that are often referenced in New Age spiritual practice. This trinity of stars is interpreted with the following attributes: –

  1. Sirius A – attuned to the Christ consciousness or logos. Also aligned with the Ascended Masters of Light and the Councils of Light.
  2. Sirius B – tailored to whales and dolphins.
  3. Sirius C – Attuned to the Divine Feminine and total empowerment and healing of the universe.

(Gillian MacBeth-Louthan –

Crystals that naturally attract Sirian starseeds

One of my Aqua Aura pendants

Aqua Aura quartz crystals have long been my favorite. I have two different Aqua Aura crystal pendants and have always felt that they provide me with powerful psychic protection.

This type of crystal is made by taking natural quartz and covering it with a thin layer of gold. The gold i is attached by applying an electromagnetic field to the quartz.

(Remember the golden disc carried by the Sirian in Matias de Stefano’s channeled information above).

This specialized combination of quartz and gold produces a powerful energetic field and a clear crystal with a blue appearance.

The Aqua Aura crystal stimulates the throat chakra and encourages “opening to channel”. It has also been used to activate the energy of other minerals for healing.

Aqua Aura Quartz can cleanse and soften the aura, activate chakras and release negativity from the emotional, physical, mental and etheric energy bodies.

Love is in the Earth – a kaleidoscope of crystals updated by Melody.

A good resource to learn more

This classic reference work – The Sirius Connection by Murry Hope – is a great resource.

The book covers both the scientific and esoteric history of the Sirian Starseed. It also explores research into the Sirian connection to Earth’s Egyptian history.

Murry explores the Ancient Astronaut Theory and shows us fascinating connections to Sirius from our calendar. She also documents Egypt’s early beginnings through its gene pool.

Murry suggests the possibility that early settlements in Egypt were based on a combination of Terrestrial, Atlantean, and even Sirian genetics.

The Sothic calendar

Many early calendars, the Egyptian, Babylonian and Mayan, were all based on a 360 day cycle and used the Sothic calendar.

The Egyptians had solar, lunar and sothic calendars (Sothic resources in Syria).

The ancient Romans did that too.

The Sirian, or fixed year, was based on the heliacal rising of Sirius!

Due to the precession of the equinoxes on the one hand and the movement of Sirius on the other, the position of the Sun relative to Sirius is moved in the same direction.

Astronomers’ calculations have shown that the Sirian year was between 4321 and 2231 BC. was virtually identical to our Julian year of 365 and ¼ days.

Murrie Hope

Murry Hope, The Sirius Connection

I hope you enjoyed this short dive into the nature of the Sirian Starseeds. You may also like these posts:-

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Would you like a Soul Star Reading to learn more about your Divine Soul Blueprint and Soul Group?

You can book it here.

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