During my spiritual initiation, the time I was taught by high non-physical beings in the invisible world, there were times when I prayed for people on the phone. Word got around, so people lined up to talk to me as I sang, prayed, and prophesied. There were a number of women, two who were always on the phone with me during a conference call, and we sang and prayed as Spirit revealed their fate to me.
For me they were fun, but also scary times. I was a young neophyte, pushed into the deep end of the pool and struggling to swim. One Sunday evening, these women called me and added a third on a joint conference call.
As usual, we sang and prayed out of devotion (that’s how I started my journey, perhaps because I was a Christian at the time). As we sang and prayed at the top of our lungs on the phone, we heard loud snoring like a chainsaw deep in the forest cutting down tall trees. One of the women on the phone shouted:
“Molly! Yuh, are you really snoring while we pray and praise God?
Who said this was the dominant of the three friends (the Aries of the group) and the most outspoken. She took our time together seriously and felt that Molly was not respecting the sacredness of what we were doing.
You see, bloggers, in this day and age that I would do these things, deep revelation would come true and everything prophesied came true. They not only talked about problems, but also provided solutions. These women trusted me for their protection, they knew that Spirit was working through my body, and they understood that Spirit was attached to something higher than us. I was just an intermediary, so they respected that.
Molly excused herself in her drowsy state and straightened up so we could get back to it. However, a message came through as she apologized…
I suddenly said to her, “Molly, you’re getting ready to go to Jamaica, but if you go, you’re going to die there.”
The women both let out a cry. The Ram said:Jesus Christ”, and the other friend muttered a “Oh sh*%t“.
This was like cold water being splashed on Molly’s face as she was immediately wide awake asking me, “What can I do to remove this?”
The Spirit then gave me several instructions which I told her, and the last of the instructions was that I was to take her to Jamaica and visit a special river there. Molly booked everything and within a week I was in Jamaica with her. I gathered all the things Spirit told me to gather, dressed the way Spirit told me to dress myself and Molly, and we drove out into the country to the exact place Spirit told us to go.
When we got to the river, where we were, the swamp covered the water, and I wondered for a moment, ‘Why has the spirit brought us here??” – there is a reason.
I now began to sing and pray to the river, and as I began to do so, the swamp began to clear complete crystal clear. You could look inside and see the beautiful river stones underneath. I did as I was told with Molly at the river to finish the series of works I had to do for Molly, the river being the last work. After doing this, I turned to her with a message from the Riva Muma as we call the deity of the river in Jamaica. She’s strict!
I said, “Molly, the River Mother wants to tell you that you are doing well for now, but the work is not over and it will not be completed until it is completed. as in two years you will come back here with me to do the same ritual.
Near the river, Molly said, “Yeah man, don’t worry, I’ll be back.”
That was it.
We went back to America and everyone separated in their own lives. Molly and her friends worked together in whatever work they did. However, several months after that, they were involved in a transaction where Molly cheated on her friends and stole a lot of money from them. This started a war.
The women found out that the thief was Molly, but Molly believed that there was no way they could have known this, and that it must have been someone who told them. Because of who I am, Molly naturally believed that I had seen it spiritually and revealed it to the women. This was not true. By the way, the women told me that they didn’t need confirmation because they… knew that it was Molly. In a kind of pyramid scheme, Molly had defrauded many people.
However, I told the women that the date for Molly’s return to the river was approaching, and whatever happened, this was my job. I had to tell her. So I tried to contact her, and when I did, I heard Spirit say to me, “She’s not going anywhere.” But I ignored the message, I had to try anyway. This was someone’s life!
But when I got to Molly, she said to me, “Obara, I am rich and I know the God I serve. He’s the one who took care of me. Why should he strike me down before my time? I don’t agree with what you say. Only God alone can predict these things and Jesus the son, that is F&%k discount and leave me alone!” …Yes, God knows best.
After all the commotion, Molly and I never spoke again. But we were now approaching two years, which would have been March of that year, and in mid-February I was home when I heard someone calling my name outside.
I opened the balcony door and stepped outside to see Molly driving a huge white truck, waving at me and proudly saying, “Do you see my new car?“
I shook my head, but I knew her intention was to brag about what she had done to her friends. She lived life. She now had a lot of money and was buying property here, there and everywhere. This was almost 2 years after the robbery.
Time passed and the next year arrived. This was now January, the month of her birthday. She went to Jamaica to celebrate a big birthday party. She had recently purchased a beautiful mansion on top of a hill in the country. On her way home to the house to prepare for her party, she was driving in the car with her friends when two cyclists, one to the right of the car and the other to the left, killed Molly with a knife. barrage ah shot! (sprayed the car with many bullets).
Molly’s face was torn to pieces from the amount of bullets the killers had sprayed her with. She had to have a closed casket.
When I heard the news, I immediately realized that no matter how wise people think they are, or how educated or intellectual they are, no human being can in any way compare themselves to that of Spirit. I felt sad that she had lost her life in such a terrible way. However, when I remembered what the River Mother commanded, I realized that the Deity knew that Molly’s character would not carry her through the last two years, and perhaps I can put it this way for those who can understand:
At the time the death message had come for Molly, her spirit was inside spiritual court (judgement). Maybe because of the deeds she had done, maybe because of her intention, maybe she had deceived so many people that she had consumed all her life’s resources and those of everyone else in her thieving ways, that the tears of the people she had robbed her mind for had brought judgment into the invisible world. Perhaps her spirit guide acted as her lawyer and begged the court to give her 2 years to redeem herself (which might seem like one day in the universe), to let her conscience guide her. Therefore, the Court will offer her a temptation, a golden opportunity that she must consider: ‘Should I do that? Or should I not do this?” In Molly’s case, she was given the opportunity for instant wealth, but it required deceit and betrayal, and in this she failed and her fate was sealed.
This may sound mythological, but I assure you it is the truth. If only spirituality were taught in schools, many lives would be saved.
My conclusion from this was that Molly was a living dead within those two years. She walked among us in human flesh, but her spirit had already departed. And this happens. There are many walking among us who are currently under judgment. Their minds have already transitioned, but the body still has to catch up with that reality. There’s a reason why this happens (read What Happens in the Spiritual Realms When You’re Under Spiritual Attack).
A few years later I was sleeping and something woke me up: Molly was standing at my door in a white bridal outfit. She had no face. I chanted incantations and chased her away from my house, and she disappeared.
I can’t save the world, and I can’t change people’s thoughts and intentions. I can only try to share my experiences with you and make you look at yourself, and if you don’t like what you see, I hope you have the courage to change it.
Life is a wonderful thing, but you have to remember that we are not here for ourselves. We are here to learn, and we are here to do for each other.
Therefore, I beg you all to walk well.
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