A few days ago, Anna Bey, a youtuber who teaches the ways of high society, released a video titled “Why I’m over high society and the luxurious life”.
She said that this kind of life is not what people think it is, that it is full of fake people, and that it gets tiring to go to fancy parties and have the same luxury experiences and designer items.
She said she fell for societal pressure and standards for what the ideal life looks like. The media tells us what success should be like, and Anna realized that it was not her own desires in which she invested her years.
When I first started my efforts to become self-employed, I came into contact with a high-ranking person at Swarovski. This opened the doors for me to taste high society life.
One social event as such was enough. Drug use, women desperately trying to appear young and desirable, fake and predatory people totally turn me off from that lifestyle.
(Thinking about this now helped me connect the dots as to why I was attracted to such a situation. I actually visualized living in a luxury home, so I think my Higher Self is giving me the taste for such a lifestyle so that I would understand it. It’s not for me.)
A major problem with living in high society is excess. When people start hoarding things and resources, they are going against nature. Nature is very economical: nothing is wasted. Living a waste-free life is very satisfying.
Excess in any area of life disrupts the flow and creates blockages in the form of diseases, obesity, mental problems, and so on. The sheikhs of Dubai, who have a surplus of money due to oil, become mentally disturbed and organize such horrible events as “porta potty parties” to enjoy themselves with.
The true meaning of wealth is having enough when you need it. This keeps you in the flow of life, and when you are truly in need, the provision manifests itself in some way.
As the Bible says:
Behold the birds of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Aren’t you much better than them?
Matthew 6:26-34, NIV
When you stop worrying and live in the present moment, you don’t prevent your Higher Self from taking care of you. But when the mind interferes with its fears and doubts, blockages arise.
Some people may need many coaching sessions to finally let go of their OCD mind and trust their spiritual self. So don’t be hard on yourself if your first attempts to trust the Spirit fail.
True fulfillment is when you live an authentic life, by allowing yourself to be yourself, instead of investing years in common dreams.
You can do this by quickly learning to act on your intuition. First comes the intuition and then the mind comes into play.
When you learn to listen and act on your intuition, the voice of your Higher Self will become more audible, while the chatter of your mind will diminish.
Disconnect from the fake dream life created by the media to make you work hard for your country’s economy. Meditate, tune in to yourself, to understand what really makes you happy. ❤️❤️
With love, from Kerala