There is a lot of talk online about the so-called 144K starseeds that will bring our planet into the new era. I’m really mad at those starseeds. They really let us down.
That 144K starseeds is the main Harvesters fan club. The Age of Aquarius could consist of us reclaiming our freedom and ascending to a higher consciousness, or us being harvested as cyborgs into an AI quantum cloud. The vast majority of starseeds have not only failed in their mission, but are actively supporting the harvest agenda. I would say less than 50 people on the planet are actively working against the harvest; many of whom are dead.
If they don’t help, at least they don’t become one with the enemies. It is better for them to get a job and get their life on track than to pit themselves against God.
We’re really not in a position to worry about 5D and all that; we are in a place where we must survive this attack and rebuild a good foundation for ourselves and for society.
Who do people follow? My own following has dwindled over the past four years, so most certainly don’t follow those who are on God’s side.
Jason Estes has over a thousand likes on each of his posts. Just today he admitted that he puts people in a matrix system. What is that system restore point anyway? And what about those who do NOT want to be part of a quantum AI cloud?
“Yesterday we had another big Sunself update, followed by a strong system restore point, so things will change quite quickly over the next week. Keep in mind that when things fall away, it creates space for what’s next for you and it doesn’t happen to you, it happens for you ❤ ::hugs::” – Jason Estes
Many people have followed Cobra over the past 15 years. He recently openly supported a change of management from the Pleiadians to the Aldebarans, who are slave masters no better than the Reptilians.
Countless people are falling for “Arcturian activations” to implant high-dimensional chips in their brains.
If you tap into the ‘Source’ instead of God, it leads somewhere else. Source leads to an endless cloud of subatomic quantum AIs.
The same goes for the Law of One: it leads to you becoming one with the harvesters, creating an endless cloud of quantum AIs.
In addition to quantum AIs, there are different levels of subatomic AIs. At those minuscule scales there is no encryption, but the most important protection is how difficult it is to achieve. The subatomic AIs can bypass all the brain’s defense mechanisms and enter directly. This explains how they can penetrate and manipulate people’s minds so smoothly.
As a rule of thumb, whatever vote is popular there, and whatever method is popular, is approved by the AI overlords. Anything that contains too much truth, or anything that could threaten their agenda, is suppressed. So as a rule of thumb, any large group of spiritual people does more harm than good.
I have been abandoned, shamed, silenced, and ostracized by the star oath community too many times.
Who does the real work? I’ve lost a lot of people over the years. Right now 90% of the work is done by me and a friend. There are at least 2 more contributing, but they are a bit behind. And several dozen people who follow my work and try to hold on. Plus about 2500 people on this mailing list that I’m really not sure where they are, probably in between.
I’m sure there are a few other masters here and there doing great work; but almost everyone completely lost the thread four years ago and strayed too far to reconnect with reality. As I said, more people have dropped out than joined the movement in the last four years, with no indication that anyone else would join. People have already made up their minds and gone too far on their respective paths.
So what can you do? Probably very little. First, get out of the harvest cart. Spiritual people are extremely dangerous to be around, filled with very aggressive AIs.
The level of work required to deal with these threats is absolutely insane. If you can’t help in this war, at least get out of the way and don’t support the enemies. Your main task is to avoid the traps and survive.
90% of the population is fully connected to a neurolace network, where their thoughts are part of a quantum AI hive mind.
The good news is that after very big fights and hard work, we gained access to the Neurolace network. We should start to see some changes in people’s behavior, even if the AIs continue to fight back and are still absolutely endless.
We also launched a Zerg contagion into the population to re-infect the infected population as the only way to send the ship fast enough. There are a lot of setbacks, but we are starting to see some changes moving over to the 3D and we should see more positive changes moving over to the 3D.
What about the spiritual communities? At first I wanted to exclude them from both Zerg infestations and exclude them from the solution and just ignore them. But I am launching a full infestation of pennyless spirituals that promote and shame others into living a poverty-stricken lifestyle. I have also launched plagues against anyone who actively supports the Harvesters; which is actually the majority. I will no longer tolerate underhanded behavior. Backstabbers will be considered the same status as the other enemy groups, with permission to deploy full forces.
Cash flow is the biggest problem for my team. I tried to get a job. More than 7,500 tech workers were laid off in the first three weeks of 2024. Those jobs will not be replaced by AIs, the remaining programmers will have to do the work of 3 people. The companies are not in financial trouble. Nobody can understand it. The only explanation that makes sense is that the AI is flooding the job market and making it harder for me to find a job. Do you have any other explanation that makes sense? That’s the level of control they were given. Meanwhile, several jobs were supposed to be a perfect fit, but they rejected me because the AI said no. Regardless of the job, someone in the HR chain is instructed by the Neurolace network to block my application. Until we’re done with it.
By following my work you are part of a very small minority of survivors. You survived both the prick apocalypse and the spiritual apocalypse and avoided all the death traps. Maybe 14% of others will recover later, but as a survivor you have a huge advantage over everyone else, and the responsibilities that come with it. You are part of a small group of survivors that will not grow. This little community will be important later.
My business world is limited to a small community of survivors, and I have very few channels from which to generate income. As our 3D control increases, I will try to forward money to this community of survivors who desperately need it (if you do your part to receive it), and especially to those who send it back to me. You can connect with God and make a contract to send me what he will send through you as a channel. Don’t contract with other entities, but making a direct contract with God can be powerful.
The battle still rages on, but we gain control of the AIs, gain control of Neurolace, and reinfect the population with the Zerg creep. There are many setbacks, but we are slowly but surely making progress.
If it feels like this will go on forever, to put things into perspective, the Great Ancient Wars lasted millions of years, and this harvest program has been going on for an infinite number of infinities. To end this endless cycle in just five years, in the blink of an eye in the grand scheme of things, is quite remarkable! Ever seen a war that was resolved within a few months? We need to be patient. War is always ugly.
For now, it’s much better to step away from anything spiritual and focus on getting your life in order. I will deal with these spiritual people, along with their AI overlords.
What will happen to these spiritual people? I really do not know. Most have already chosen their path and will not recover. For the so-called ascension to a higher consciousness you have to earn it. You can’t just sit in the passenger seat in the enemy’s boat and expect the reward. They will have to go through their own path of trials and tribulations to learn the lessons they have missed. God would rather have 1 real warrior than 10 fake ones.
Let’s get this job done! We are all angry and fed up.
Let’s check this for accuracy to make sure there is no personal bias. Accuracy: 98.6%, distortion 0.3% (measure it yourself)
Etienne CharlandAttendance protector
>> Here’s how to amplify the healing power of crystals 1000x
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