I don’t know about you, but I’m one of those people who are completely useless around the house. I might change a light bulb, but that’s as far as it goes – I think it’s because I’m an Aries on the rise and getting too impatient to do menial tasks. However, other signs seem to flourish and can resolve things in an instant. Read on to find out if your astrological sign is useful around the house.
Virgo is known as the ‘fixer’ and ‘helper’ of the zodiac. Whenever there is a problem, a Virgo will always step in and iron out any kinks. This sign is ruled by the planet Mercury – this planet rules all things related to communication, skills and thinking. Virgo is also an earth sign, which makes it naturally practical and pragmatic. People born under this sign find it very easy to solve problems and put all the pieces of a puzzle together. A Virgo simply cannot rest when he knows something is not working in his house. He strives for absolute perfection and is only satisfied when everything is in order. They are not procrastinators, so they will not start a project and abandon it halfway through. They always finish the job and do it with utmost conscientiousness and precision.
A Gemini is usually an all-rounder. This sign has a natural curiosity and has therefore built up a tremendous amount of skills along the way. This sign is ruled by the planet Mercury, the planet that rules things like communication, thinking and skills. Geminis are turned on and can quickly figure out where which nut and bolt goes where. And they have no problem taking a quick trip to Google or YouTube if they get stuck along the way. Gemini is an Air sign and Air signs are known for their ideas and intellect, so it’s no wonder they find it quite easy to solve things. They are a bit impatient so they tend to find the smart and quick way to solve things but still manage to be meticulous as they certainly have an eye for detail.
Aquarians are the most innovative people in the zodiac. They always think two steps ahead and have quite a talent for problem solving, which makes them easy to be handy around the house. This sign is also an air sign and air signs are all about intellect and ideas, but Aquarius is ruled by the planet Saturn. Saturn is the planet that represents order, structure and, above all, patience. Aquarians also have a certain stubbornness that always helps them persevere. This board will come back to every project, no matter how difficult it is. They won’t stop until they fix what’s broken, and they manage to do this with the utmost attention to detail and perfection. They are extremely useful around the house and have a knack for making things work even better than before.